Author: Oser Communications Group

best booth location at a trade show

Where Is the Best Booth Location at a Trade Show?

Every business benefits from participating in community expos, trade shows, or industry-specific events. Choosing a strategic booth location at a trade show gives you the best chance to engage with potential customers and teach them about your products or services.

Check out these professional tips for picking the best booth location at a trade show from Tucson’s reliable trade show advertising company

Reserve Your Booth Early

Popular trade shows quickly fill with previous vendors and newly interested businesses, many of which may include your competitors. Reserving your booth as soon as possible gives you a better chance at snagging a desirable booth location.

Some events offer early bird specials on booth spaces. Other events only allow a few vendors to sell the same services or products. In any case, take the first chance to beat your competitors to the punch.

Be Wary of the Entrance

You may feel tempted to choose a spot directly in front of or next to the entrance. This booth space may put you at the forefront of the exhibition hall. However, the entrance often becomes congested as visitors flood in.

Most potential customers will want to get away from the crowd. As they move away from the entrance, they’ll easily overlook your booth because of your location.

Neighbor a Major Brand or Sponsor

When choosing the best booth location at a trade show, consider the major brands sponsoring or attending the event. These brands often guarantee heavy foot traffic since they’ll attract many potential customers to your area, allowing you to engage with them. Settling in next door lets you take advantage of these brands’ clout.

Choose a Corner or Intersection

Corners and intersections offer prime locations where customers may find you while traveling from multiple directions. Besides routing visitors through the aisles, corners or intersections serve as places for visitors to catch their breath. Potential clients may then wander into nearby booths to get out of traffic.

The more your booth space integrates with traffic flow, the higher the chance a weary guest will visit you to escape the crowd.

Land a Booth Close to Refreshment Spots

Trade show exhibits often last for hours, attracting attendees with a high interest in engaging with businesses in your industry. These extended hours often produce hungry, tired guests needing refreshments and restrooms.

Placing yourself close to these areas allows these newly refreshed attendees the opportunity to visit you, increasing their engagement and interest.

Boost Your Trade Show Booth with Beautiful, Eye-Catching Advertising

Even with the best booth location at a trade show, you need a way to follow your visitors home. You want them to keep you top of mind when they need services or products from your industry. Call Oser Communications Group at (520) 721-1300 to learn more about trade show publications designed and printed by experienced professionals.

What else can you hand out at expos or industry events? Read more about common trade show freebies.

trade show freebies

11 Most Popular Trade Show Freebies

With the advent of social media and the internet, developing savvy marketing strategies for your business has never been urgent. However, the traditional methods still have merit. Trade shows present an excellent opportunity to connect with potential customers.

While a flyer might serve as effective trade show advertising, getting potential customers excited is about more than just information. Trade show freebies provide one of the best ways to bring customers to you and help them remember your business. Knowing the best handouts and strategies can help you leverage this advertising tool.

Strategies for Generating Traffic with Freebies

While you might think that handing out free merchandise is enough to attract new customers, there is more nuance to a well-executed trade show giveaway. Differentiate what you hand out to get trade show attendees excited about a surprise. You can also pepper in a more expensive promotional item to provide a sense of allure.

Furthermore, include promotions like coupons and discounts to keep potential customers engaged after the trade show. With these strategies, other trade show booths will wonder why everyone flocks to your area.

The 11 Most Popular Trade Show Freebies

Here are the 11 most popular trade show giveaways to help you attract new customers.

  • Pencils and pens: As some of the most traditional giveaway items at trade shows, pencils and pens are staples for any booth. Potential customers can use these items daily, giving your brand plenty of attention.
  • Hand sanitizers/breath mints/lip balm: In our health-conscious world, these personal care products are a win at any trade show.
  • Stress ball: Who doesn’t love to squeeze a stress ball when the day isn’t going well? Handing out stress balls is one of the best and cheapest freebies you can provide at a trade show.
  • Higher-cost or tech items like portable chargers: High-tech giveaways like portable chargers and USB bricks are homerun trade show giveaway products. 
  • Reusable water bottle: With increasing environmental concerns, reusable water bottles are popular with trade show attendees and demonstrate corporate social responsibility.
  • Reusable straws: In the same vein as reusable water bottles, reusable straws are another sustainable giveaway item. Give them away with the water bottles for a complete package.
  • Luggage tags: Potential customers will never forget your business with these stylish and valuable freebies. For travel-related companies, these giveaways are especially a hit.
  • Sunglasses or hats: Potential customers preferring a more stylish freebie will love trendy sunglasses or hats from your business.
  • Tote bags: Perfect for grocery shopping or everyday use, these giveaways are highly practical for patrons.
  • Coffee mugs: No one will forget your company while drinking out of their new coffee mug.
  • Mobile phone credit card holder: Credit card holders for mobile phones are particularly popular with younger people.

Generate New Marketing Strategies with Oser Communications Group

Call (520) 721-1300 today to start working with Oser Communications Group. We can give your business broader marketing tactics, from tech ads to wellness and gifting publications to trade show freebies.

do flyers still work

Do Flyers Still Work for Trade Shows?

Many business owners are forsaking traditional advertising methods in an increasingly digitized world. Since digital marketing and ads on social media comprise the majority of marketing efforts these days, many wonder, “Do flyers still work?”

Whether you’re hoping to improve your advertising in trade shows or conduct mass marketing efforts in your area, data suggests that an effective flyer still has merit. Learn how flyers might be an ideal advertising strategy for your business.

What Is a Flyer?

You may not realize that there are different types of flyers. Some flyers are more effective for particular environments, like trade shows.

Door drops: These flyers don’t target a person or household. Instead, they are mass-produced, eye-catching pieces that quickly inform potential customers about the business. 

Addressed mail: Addressed mail flyers feel more individualized since they target a specific individual. These flyers might contain more extensive information about products or services.

Handouts: Handouts are the flyer you might expect to see at a trade show. A good handout is a piece of paper usually designed with bold colors and the most information possible. 

Are Flyers Worth It? Statistics and Data

Despite understanding different flyers, you still might question, “Do flyers still work?” According to data from the Data and Marketing Association, leaflets still successfully reach their target audience. Check out the data below detailing the success of addressed mail and door drop flyers.

Addressed Mail:

  • 57% of people open flyers immediately when they arrive at their home
  • 8% of people open or read leaflets within 28 days
  • 5% read or look at it thoroughly, while 23% will do so within 28 days
  • On average, potential customers revisit flyers six times

Door Drops:

  • 5% of potential customers read a door drop the moment they receive it
  • 16% set these flyers aside to read later

This data seems surprising since many expect social media to have the best results. However, short attention spans and frustration with targeted marketing might deter people from engaging with social media and online ads. However, social media is still an essential part of effective marketing.

Who Can Use Flyers?

Any business can benefit from using flyers, especially at trade shows filled with potential customers. Hairdressers, coffee shops, retail stores, landscapers, and virtually any other company can benefit from using flyers.

Benefits of Using Flyers

While it’s clear that data supports the efficacy of flyers, what are some of their other benefits? First, flyers are one of the cheaper forms of marketing since they only require printing.

Beyond price, though, flyers have other considerable benefits. Adding a QR code or URL can help bridge the gap between digital and paper marketing. Furthermore, coupons and other promotions can increase first-time customers and make flyers more attractive at events like trade shows.

Receive Professional Assistance with Oser Communications Group

If you’re still wondering, “Do flyers still work?”, contact Oser Communications Group. We also assist with paper marketing, ads in technology publications, and social media advertising. Call (520) 721-1300 for more guidance from our team today!

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