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common trade show mistakes

Five Common Trade Show Mistakes That You Should Never Commit

July 26, 2022

Trade shows are an excellent way for businesses to get exposure but carry their own unique challenges and costs. A successful trade show requires careful planning and time, and getting something wrong is easy if you don’t have experience. 

Oser Communications Group will share some of the most common trade show mistakes you can make. 

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1. Picking the Wrong Trade Show

One of the most common mistakes is picking the wrong trade show to present at. Nearly every industry has at least one trade show, often multiple shows yearly. You need to determine which show would give your business the most exposure. 

Ask yourself a few questions to decide which show would be best. 

  • Do I need a consumer (B2C) or industry (B2B) trade show?
  • What kind of product or service do I want to show?
  • How many attendees does each show get?
  • How much does it cost to rent booth space?
  • What kind of reputation does the show have?

Unfortunately, many business owners get off the wrong foot by choosing the wrong trade show, so think carefully about your needs and goals. 

2. Overshooting Your Budget

You can expect to spend about one-third of your budget on booth space, but you also need to factor in costs for stands, staff, services, promotional materials, and transportation and logistics. Depending on the venue, you may also have to pay for internet or utilities, so ensure you have a detailed pre-show budget plan.  

3. No Storage Space

You should have enough storage space to keep your booth clean and clutter-free. A simple set-up like a trestle table with a tablecloth provides extra storage for cheap. You can also opt for other solutions like cabinets in your exhibition or storage buckets. 

4. Not Performing Marketing

Another one of the most common trade show mistakes is neglecting marketing. The event host ensures you have space, but they won’t advertise for you. It’s your responsibility to market your presence before the show to get people to come to your booth. You cannot just hope that people who attend the show will randomly flock to your booth

In addition, you should start promoting the show a few months beforehand. A trade show advertising company like Oser Communication Group can spread your message to your intended audience through materials like ads, business cards, and more.

5. Not Following Up Leads

Once you pack up your booth, the first thing to do is start following up on leads. Trade shows are great for qualified leads; following up is how you turn those leads into paying customers. 

Trade Show Advertising Services

Trade show success can be the first step to business success, as long as you avoid these common trade show mistakes. If you would like to learn more about our technology trade show publications or want to schedule a consultation, contact us online or call today at (520) 721-1300!